About The Speaker

Ingo Plag
Ingo Plag is Professor of English Language and Linguistics at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. His monographs include Morphological Productivity (Mouton de Gruyter 1999), Word-formation in English (CUP 2nd ed. 2018), Introduction to English Linguistics (with co-authors, Mouton de Gruyter 3rd ed.2015) and A Reference Guide to English Morphology (with co-Authors, Oxford University Press, 2013).
He has edited numerous collections of articles, published many papers in peer-reviewed journals. From 2006 to 2021, he served as editor of the journal Morphology. He has acted as referee nationally and internationally for journals, publishing houses, academic institutions and funding organizations. From 2015 to 2023 he was the director of the Research Unit ‘Spoken Morphology’, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. He is a member of the Academia Europaea.
Main areas of research
Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Creole languages, English as a second language
DFG Project ‘Form and meaning in English compounds: The role of prosody’ (2023-2026)
CRC Project C08/DFG Project ‘The semantics of derivational morphology’ (2015-2024)
DFG Research Unit FOR2373 ‘Spoken Morphology’ (2015-2023)FOR2373 Project DMC (2018-2023)
FOR2373 Project ENGS (2018-2023)
FOR2373 Project VAR (2015-2022)