About The Speaker

Ingo Plag

Ingo Plag is Professor of English Language and Linguistics at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. His monographs include Morphological Productivity (Mouton de Gruyter 1999), Word-formation in English (CUP 2nd ed. 2018), Introduction to English Linguistics (with co-authors, Mouton de Gruyter 3rd ed.2015) and A Reference Guide to English Morphology (with co-Authors, Oxford University Press, 2013).

Main areas of research
Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Creole languages, English as a second language
DFG Project ‘Form and meaning in English compounds: The role of prosody’ (2023-2026)
CRC Project C08/DFG Project ‘The semantics of derivational morphology’ (2015-2024)
DFG Research Unit FOR2373 ‘Spoken Morphology’ (2015-2023)FOR2373 Project DMC (2018-2023)
FOR2373 Project ENGS (2018-2023)
FOR2373 Project VAR (2015-2022)