About The Speaker

Niels Schiller
Niels Schiller received his MA in phonetics, German language and linguistics, and computational linguistics from Trier University (Germany) in 1994. The same year, he was awarded a scholarship from the German Max Planck Society to carry out his PhD research at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. In 1997, he received his PhD in Psychology from the Radboud University in Nijmegen. In his PhD dissertation, he investigated the role of the syllable in lexical access during speech production.
After his PhD, he was a post-doctoral research fellow with the Cognitive Neuropsychology Laboratory of the Psychology Department at Harvard University (1998-2000) and a research scientist of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) at Maastricht University and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (2000-2003). In 2004, he was appointed professor of psycholinguistics at Maastricht University and in 2006 he moved to Leiden to become professor of psycho- and neurolinguistics at Leiden University.
Since 2024, he is Chair Professor of Psycho- and Neurolinguistics at City University of Hong Kong and Head of Department of Linguistics and Translation.
Main areas of research
Speech Production
Morphological and phonological encoding
Representation of lexico-syntactic features