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Phonetics 2025 Hong Kong

Hybrid Hybrid Event

September 17 @ 8:00 am September 19 @ 6:00 pm

submit your ABSTRACT – Not Open yet!

Voices of Innovation: Leading Experts Shaping the Future of Linguistics.

Niels Schiller

City University of Hong Kong

Yi Xu

University College London

Janet Fletcher

The University of Melbourne

Quick Links

Programme submit your ABSTRACT – Not Open yet! Sample abstract Oral presentation template CONFERENCE venue poster presentation template conference flyer

Quick Guide: Participating in the Conference

  1. Submit Your Abstract: Submit your research abstract following the guidelines and deadlines provided.
  2. Register: After your abstract is accepted, you will receive an email with instructions to complete your registration. Fees vary, and supporting documents are required.
  3. Attend and Engage: Join keynote lectures, presentations, and discussions. Network with experts and peers.
  4. Access Materials: Access recorded sessions and proceedings after the event.

The International Linguistic Society is delighted to invite you to participate in the International Thematic Conference of Phonetic Research and Applications, Phonetics 2025 Hong Kong, to be held from 17-19 of September 2025 in Hong Kong. The primary aim of the conference is to advance key areas of phonetics, welcoming at the same time innovative approaches to phonetic research and applications.

The Phonetics 2025 Hong Kong thematic conference envisions a vibrant platform for collaboration and dialogue between established researchers, research groups, and emerging scholars in an integrated context. This unique gathering will foster an enriching environment of knowledge exchange, collaboration, and inspiration.

Keynote lectures will be delivered by distinguished scholars across various fields of phonetics, presenting new perspectives and expanding the horizons of language study and applications.

Conference Themes and Scope

Phonetics 2025 Hong Kong will feature diverse and pioneering work in phonetics, including but not limited to:

  • Core Phonetics: speech production, speech acoustics, speech perception
  • Thematic areas: segmental phonetics, syllable structure, prosody, intonation, phonetic rules, pronunciation, phonetic transcription, phonetic interpretation-phonology
  • Interdisciplinary Phonetics: psychophonetics, neurophonetics, sociophonetics, computational phonetics, corpus phonetics
  • Applied Phonetics: language education, language pathology, language technology
  • AI in Phonetics: phonetic transcription, orthography-pronunciation conversions, education, pathology, technology systems

Hybrid Participation Options

Phonetics 2025 Hong Kong will be a hybrid conference, offering both in-person and virtual attendance options. In addition to keynote lectures, the programme will include a limited number of oral presentations and an array of poster presentations. Virtual participants will have remote access to keynote and oral presentations as well as select online sessions.

Accepted abstracts will be published as expanded 4-page conference papers in the Linguistic Proceedings Series.

We warmly invite researchers and research groups engaged in any area of phonetics and related applications to submit one-page abstracts for consideration at the Phonetics 2025 Hong Kong conference.

Submission Deadline: 01 May 2025

Accepted papers for Phonetics 2025 Hong Kong will be included in three types of publications:

Phonetics 2025 proceedings
Linguistic Society YouTube Channel
Additional Publications

All accepted papers, regardless of their type of presentation, will be published online in the Linguistics proceedings Series. Selected presentations will be uploaded to the Linguistic Society YouTube Channel. Additional publications will also be considered, including special issues in established journals.

Publication Ethics
Publication Standards
Authors of original research should provide an accurate description of the theoretical and experimental background, followed by methodology specifics, results, and an objective discussion of the significance of the work.

Authorship should be limited to those who meet the following criteria: They have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, or execution of the reported research. They have authored the manuscript or revised it critically. Others who have made substantial contributions to the research, such as providing technical help, writing and editing assistance, and general support, but do not meet the criteria for authorship, should not be listed as authors but should be acknowledged. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate coauthors are included in the paper and that all coauthors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.

Originality and plagiarism
Authors should ensure that they have written and submitted only entirely original works. If they have used the work and/or words of others, these works must be cited and/or acknowledged appropriately. Publications that have influenced the nature of the work reported in the manuscript should also be cited. Plagiarism may take many forms, from copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another’s paper to claiming results from research conducted by others. Plagiarism in any form constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is strictly unacceptable.

Authors should properly acknowledge the contributions of others and cite publications that have influenced the reported work. Authors should not use information obtained while providing confidential services, such as refereeing manuscripts or grant applications unless they have obtained explicit written permission from the author(s) of the work involved. Any financial support, scholarships, or economic support related to the reported research should also be explicitly stated.

Each contributor to the conference may appear as a single author of only two papers and as a co-author of two additional papers. Up to four authors are recommended. Submitted abstracts, limited to one page and a maximum of 500 words (excluding author name(s)), should address the following criteria:

  • Significance: Does this study address an important problem?
  • Innovation: Does the study employ novel concepts and aim for original methods?
  • Approach: Are the conceptual frameworks, designs, methods, and analyses adequate?
  • Usefulness: How can the research objectives benefit the respective scientific area?
  • Clarity: How clear and well-organized is the presentation?

Abstract layout guidelines
Title of paper
Keep the title as concise and closely related to the paper’s content as possible. The abstract should not exceed one page, including references.

Object of Study
Start with a brief description of the object of study or investigation, along with the theoretical context. State your questions or hypotheses in simple terms, avoiding overly technical terminology. In short, explain what you have done.

Summarize the key aspects of your approach and related methodology, including subjects, materials, research context, and anything essential for readers to understand your work. In short, explain how you conducted your research.

Summarize your results/findings straightforwardly, especially in relation to your questions or hypotheses. Avoid intricate details, including statistics, which may require extensive reader review. In short, describe what you have found.

Draw explicit conclusions from your results.

References in abstract submissions are optional and can be omitted. It’s preferable to focus on your own work rather than referencing the work of others in this concise space.

Submit your one-page abstract by 01 July 2024

General chair
Antonis Botinis

Conference chair
Wience Lai

Keynote Speakers
Niels Schiller, City University of Hong Kong
Yi Xu, University College London

Organising Committee

Committee Co-ordinator
Wience Lai

Committee Board
Geeta Bhavnani
Zoe Chan
Cindy Lau
Mimi Ng
Edward Wen
Franco Wong
Hong Ying

International Advisory Committee
Ted Gibson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US
Jonathan Harrington, University of Munich, Germany
Haris Themistocleous, University of Oslo, Norway
Irene Vogel, University of Delaware, US
Petra Wagner, Bielefeld University, Germany
Yi Xu, University College London, UK

Wednesday 17
08.50-09.00: Welcome address
09.00-10.30: Oral session 1

10.30-12.30: Poster session 1
15.00-16.30: Online session 1

Thursday 18
09.00-10.30: Oral session 2

10.30-12.30: Poster session 2
15.00-16.30: Online session 2

Friday 19
09.00-10.30: Oral session 3

10.30-12.30: Poster session 3
15.00-16.30: Online session 3

The Phonetics 2025 Hong Kong programme offers both onsite and online participation options.

Onsite participation includes:

  • Keynote Lectures: Inspiring talks by leading experts in the field.
  • Oral Sessions: In-person presentations on various topics.
  • Poster Sessions: Predominantly presented in poster format, these sessions foster interactive and personal engagement.
  • Special Sessions: Focused discussions or presentations on specific themes.
  • Panel Discussions: Dynamic exchanges of ideas and active engagement from attendees.
  • Language Applications Exhibitions: Showcasing innovative phonetic-related applications and technologies.

In-person participants will have the opportunity to present their work in both oral and poster sessions during the morning. Online participants can attend live streams of the morning sessions and present their contributions in the afternoon sessions. This varied programme format is designed to enhance knowledge sharing and interaction among all attendees..

The proceedings of the Phonetics 2025 Hong Kong conference will consist of 4-page papers. The submission of these papers is contingent upon the acceptance of the respective one-page abstracts. This process ensures that the content of the conference proceedings reflects the quality and relevance of the research presented in the abstracts.

Linguistics template

Oral Presentations

  • Each oral presentation is allocated a 15-minute time slot, which includes time for discussion.
  • Presenters must ensure their talk does not exceed 15 minutes.
  • The room for oral presentations will be equipped with a multimedia PC running Windows, featuring USB ports, Microsoft PowerPoint, and PDF viewing software.
  • Presentations should be brought on a USB flash drive.
  • Please note that only a limited number of papers will be selected for oral presentations.

Oral Presentation Template:
A standard template will be provided to ensure consistency and professionalism in oral presentations.

Poster Presentations

General Information:

  • Each poster display should prominently feature the title and the presenter(s)’ name(s) at the top.
  • Effective use of captioned illustrations, photographs, graphs, and other visually engaging materials is essential for a successful presentation.
  • Lettering should be large enough to be legible from several metres away.


  • The recommended poster size is 120 cm (height) x 90 cm (width) (47.2 x 35.4 inches), though smaller posters are also acceptable.
  • The Organising Committee will provide push pins and a display board.
  • Presenters should bring any additional materials they may need, such as tape or a line level.
  • It may be useful to have sketch paper and drawing tools for explanations. However, please note that it is not permitted to write or draw directly on the poster boards.

Location and Time:

  • Posters will be displayed as part of scheduled sessions, each lasting at least one hour.
  • Presenters should set up their posters 15 minutes prior to the session’s start time.
  • Be prepared for interactive discussions and engagement with your audience during the session.
  • Most conference presentations will be in poster format.

Poster Presentation Template:
A standard template will be provided to assist presenters in creating effective and visually appealing posters.

These guidelines aim to assist presenters in preparing high-quality oral and poster presentations for the conference. Should you have any further questions or require additional details, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
11 Yuk Choi Rd
Hung Hom,
Hong Kong


Registration for the Phonetics 2025 Hong Kong conference includes the following:

Coffee break buffet during the conference.

Participants may choose between onsite participation or remote attendance, which includes live-streamed keynote and oral sessions.

Access to all conference sessions.

Publication of papers in the Phonetics 2025 Hong Kong proceeding series.

Registration Fees

Conference registrationMemberNon-member
Regular registration300450
Student registration200300
Retiree registration200300

Important Notes:

  • Reduced rates are available only for single-author submissions from Linguistic Society members, students, and retirees.
  • Multi-author submissions are charged the standard fee of €450, with no discounts applicable.

Payment and Registration Policy

General Policy

  • Payment Per Paper: Each submitted paper requires its own registration and payment.
  • The same fees apply to both onsite and online participation.

Non-Compliance Consequences

  1. Unregistered Submissions: Papers not properly registered will not be included in the conference programme.
  2. Incorrect Payments: Incorrect fees may result in the exclusion of papers.
  3. Ineligible Discounts: Reduced rates apply only to eligible single-author submissions.
  4. Multi-Author Fees: Submissions with multiple authors must pay the full €450 fee to be accepted.

For assistance, contact info@linguisticsociety.com.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

  • Cancellations made at least 15 days before the conference: Refundable, minus a €50 administrative fee.
  • Cancellations within 15 days of the conference: Not eligible for refunds.
  • Late or Incorrect Registrations: Subject to a €50 administrative fee.

Please note: The registration fee for each paper included in the programme is non-refundable.



Important Dates

01 March 2025: Abstract submission open
01 May 2025: Deadline for abstract submission
01 June 2025: Notification of abstract review
15 June 2025: Registration deadline
01 July 2025: Book of abstracts
01 August 2025: Preliminary programme
15 August 2025: Final programme
17-19 September 2025: Conference
01 November 2025: Submission of 4-page conference paper
01 December 2025: Proceedings publication

Private: Exling Society

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 9 Hoi Ting Road, Yau Ma Tei
Kowloon, Hong Kong
+ Google Map